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    Angels And Ancestors Oracle Cards

    We have many guides who are helping us navigate through all our earthly challenges. Our strongest guides come in the form of Angels and Ancestors, and this card deck will teach you to strengthen your connection with these wise beings. Angels are divine beings that echo the heart of love. These incredible spirits are pre-human intelligent souls and are here to monitor the wellbeing of all sentient beings. The Angels are formless, but have appeared with form through the four corners of the world with different names and different faces. However, their essence and mission remains the same: to love, help and guide. The Ancestors are the souls of departed wisdom keepers from all parts of the world. They are the wise ones, warriors, medicine people, shamanic healers and all those who had knowledge that helped their people grow and develop. Just like Angels, the Ancestors can be called upon in prayer, meditation, and ceremony to help bring healing, change, and support from the other worlds. Together the Angels and Ancestors bring a powerful offering of wisdom that can help us in our spiritual and physical life. The Angels offer a non-judgemental, wholly loving energy that can help us feel safe and guided. The Ancestor spirits offer us experience – they know what it’s like to walk the Earth and learn about Her magic and medicine. With this powerful oracle you are given an opportunity to bridge the gap between this world and the other. You hold within your hands a key to great insightful medicine wisdom that will echo what you already know deep within. The Angels and Ancestors know what you need to know, and through this practice of connection and ceremony, you allow them to bring messages that will help you carve your path and live a life that is filled with magic.
  • Find out how to realign your personal energy space and step into your own infinite potential with this illuminating oracle deck. This stunning deck will show you how to connect with your personal power and invoke the presence of light. Each card depicts a gateway or portal to another realm and holds space to connect with an energy centre we all have within, a spiritual retreat or even a guardian light being. If you're feeling unbalanced, lost or simply ready to take the next step in your spiritual journey, this is the oracle for you. Kyle Gray will guide you through every intricate card, and artist Jennifer Hawkyard's vibrant imagery reflects Kyle's powerful words. This deck will help you to:

    • experience an 'energetic upgrade'

    • rebalance and reconnect with your true self

    • discover the possibilities held by other realms, ancient mysteries and ethereal retreats

    • uncover your true purpose in this world

    This activation deck offers you the opportunity to embark on an important, uplifting personal journey. The spiritual gateways await.

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    From bestselling angel author, this oracle deck reminds spiritual seekers that loving, divine guidance is always available to anyone. This powerful oracle invites you to connect with your very own guardian angels, and shares 44 powerful messages of divine inspiration, love and positive action. Did you know that your angels are constantly ready to share guidance with you? Yet so often we’re distracted by daily life and don’t recognize these divine signs when they come our way. The Angel Guide Oracle acts as a bridge between heaven and Earth, bringing together 44 images of guardian angels with insightful, supportive, and healing keyword messages to help you activate your intuition, strengthen your communication and open your heart to their messages of love. The accompanying guidebook explains how to attune to the cards, conduct angel readings for yourself as well as for others, and how to work with card spreads. When your heart seeks transformation, when your soul seeks truth, call upon your angel’s wisdom and their infinite compassion will lead you on your path.
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